Friday, August 22, 2014

9 Minute Exam

Tenth Week (August 4-8)

We just checked all the outputs we encode in the whole 2 months. But unfortunately I forgot that my two outputs is not in the proper folder. Arggghh.

For the third day, this is it, the 1st Periodical Examination Day in ICT IV. I don't have to review about CSS because I don't have any notes. We only have 9 minutes to answer the 30 difficult questions. I was shocked when I'm at the first batch to exam but I'm a little bit happy because all the items are multiple choice. When the time start to take the exam, my hands starting shaking and I'm really nervous. I am on rush! I just finished  my exam in just 8 minutes but I reread it again to make sure that my answer is correct.
When Sir Peralta, checking my answer I feel nervous if my score out of 30  my score is 5 or I'm the lowest score. Then Sir Peralta show my score... gosh my score is 14. But I realized that I'm going to be contented on my score atleast I'm not the lowest score.

We only have 3 classes in this week because Thursday and Friday is the Periodical Division Test. :)

credits to Anthea for the image of the 1st Periodic Test. ☺

Carpe diem! :))

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