Sunday, November 30, 2014

Encode and encode

26th Week (November 24-28)

This week is just the continuation of our new topic and it is the JavaScript. We encode and encode everything that is in the document while Sir Peralta is also discussing. ☺☺

Below are some of it:

                                              Conditional Flow Control 

                                                 Switch Statement
                                                 Nested Loop

                                                While Loop

                                                Do While Loop

                                                 For Loop

That's it, that's our topic. I wish I can learn a lot from it. ☺

Note: if you have any questions, feel free to comment in the lower box. Thanks! :)


Sunday, November 23, 2014


25th Week (November 17-21)

It's been our 25th week in ICT class and it's really amazing. There are a lot of activities that we have made this week. Yeah, another topic and it's all about JavaScript IV.

As I said a while ago, we just receive our new copy of our new topics in JavaScript. It's getting harder, as usual. -_-

Well, this week all we do is encode and encode everything that is in the documents. 

Beside that JavaScript IV thingy we also have a quiz about JavaScript III. It's 80 points.

Here is our quiz:

I am so grateful because I didn't get zero in this quiz! I got 15 points and seriously, this is my first time to get a high scores in the quiz. Yes! Achievement. Hahaha! Well, I just can't believe I did that. Questions like "how did you know that Nadia ?" kept on running on my mind. Haha! :)



Saturday, November 15, 2014

It sucks!

24th Week (November 10-14)

Yes! Finally we have finished the JavaScript III. But Sir Peralta started to discussed on Boolean.

I shared an information about what I have learned in the Boolean Value.

When operands are composed, relational and equality operators are used. The operands can be numbers or strings. The result of the comparison is either true or false - a Boolean Value.

On the next day, we had a prejsquiz. As usual, only Jessa got in our batch. Well, I didn't get it and it sucks. I just couldn't understand. Tssk! -____-

And one of this days, I think it's Wednesday, there was no electricity in the whole day. Because there was no electricity, I decided to come in school at 1 pm cause I thought there is no ICT class. But unfortunately, one of my classmate told me that we have a quiz about the JavaScript III. And I was really surprised. I had no time to review on my notes and I don't know what to answer. It sucks! I'm being hopeless! :(

And lastly on Friday, we fixed our preJsquiz with the help of Jessa the great. Finally, I did it!

Note: if you have any questions, feel free to comment in the lower box. 

*credits for the picture of boolean:
and for the picture of spongebob:

A hui hou! ☺

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Still on JavaScript III

23rd Week (November 03-07)

This week, we've just continue our works, everything about JavaScript III.

Now, I shared an information about what I have learned in this week.

Logical Operators- allow you combine the relational operators into more powerful expressions for testing conditions and are most often used in if statements.
The three logical operators are the logical AND, logical OR, and logical NOT. The symbol for AND is &&, the symbol for OR is ||, and the symbol for NOT is !.

The && Operator (Logical AND) - returns the Boolean Value true if both operands are true and returns false otherwise. The operands are implicitly converted to type bool prior to evaluation, and the result is of type bool. Logical AND has left-to-right associativity.

The || Operator (Logical OR) - combines two Boolean variables or expressions and returns a result  that is true if either or both of its operands are                                                      true.

The ! Operator (Logical NOT) - it reverses the value of a Boolean expression.

The Logical (Boolean) Operator - the Boolean value true is assigned to the variable answer.

The Conditional Operator - is called a ternary operators because it requires three operands.
Format: conditional expression ? expression : expression

                Number, String, or Boolean? Datatype Conversion

The parseInt () Method - converts a string to a number. It starts parsing at the beginning of the string and returns all the integers until it reaches a non-integer and then stops parsing. If the the string doesn't begin with an   integer, NaN (not a number) is returned.

 The ParseFloat () Method- is just like the parseInt () method except   that it returns a floating-point number.


 The Eval Method- evaluates a string of JavaScript statements and            evaluates the whole thing as a little program returning the result of the execution. If there is no result, undefined is returned.

Note: if you have any questions, feel free to comment in the lower box. Thank you!


Saturday, November 1, 2014

An Introduction to JavaScript III

22nd Week (October 27-31)

This week we started another topic and it's all about JavaScript III. It's getting harder and harder.

Well this week, all we do is encode and encode so that we can already finish all of our activities. And also, Sir Peralta is discussing while we are encoding.

These are the new topics that we have on JavaScript III:

About JavaScript Operators and Expression
Data objects can be manipulated in a number of ways by the large number of operators provided by JavaScript. An operator manipulates data objects called operands. Operators and operands are found in expressions. And when you terminate an expression with a semicolon, you have a complete statement.

Assignment- used to assign values to JavaScript Variables. The equal sign is the assignment operator.

Precedence and Associativity- Precedence  refers to the way in which the operator binds to its operand. The Precedence of one operator over another determines what operation is done first. Associativity refers to the order in which an operator evaluates its                                                                       operands.

Types of Operators

*Arithmetic Operators- used to perform arithmetic between variables and/or values.
*Shortcut Assignment Operators- allow you to perform an arithmetic or string operation by combining an assignment operator with an arithmetic or string operator.
*Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators- to make programs easier to read, to simplify typing, and at the machine level, to produce more efficient code, the autoincrement (++) and autodecremet (--) operators are provided.
*Concatenation Operator- the + sign, is a string operators used to join together one or more strings. In fact, the concatenation operators is the only operator JavaScript provides to manipulate strings.
*Comparison Operators- when operands are compared, relational and equality operators are used. The operands can be number or strings. The result of the comparison is either true or false - a Boolean Value

On the other day, Sir Peralta gave us a hands-on quiz about the JavaScript II. As usual, another zero for me. It's really breaks my heart. Hahaha! :)

Note: if you have any questions, feel free to comment in the lower box.
