Saturday, November 15, 2014

It sucks!

24th Week (November 10-14)

Yes! Finally we have finished the JavaScript III. But Sir Peralta started to discussed on Boolean.

I shared an information about what I have learned in the Boolean Value.

When operands are composed, relational and equality operators are used. The operands can be numbers or strings. The result of the comparison is either true or false - a Boolean Value.

On the next day, we had a prejsquiz. As usual, only Jessa got in our batch. Well, I didn't get it and it sucks. I just couldn't understand. Tssk! -____-

And one of this days, I think it's Wednesday, there was no electricity in the whole day. Because there was no electricity, I decided to come in school at 1 pm cause I thought there is no ICT class. But unfortunately, one of my classmate told me that we have a quiz about the JavaScript III. And I was really surprised. I had no time to review on my notes and I don't know what to answer. It sucks! I'm being hopeless! :(

And lastly on Friday, we fixed our preJsquiz with the help of Jessa the great. Finally, I did it!

Note: if you have any questions, feel free to comment in the lower box. 

*credits for the picture of boolean:
and for the picture of spongebob:

A hui hou! ☺

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