Saturday, March 7, 2015

An Introduction of JavaScript 6

38th Week (March 02-06)

This week we start another topic and it's all about JavaScript 6.

Monday. All we do is encode and encode so that we can already finish all our activities.

Tuesday. We just continued encoding of our activities.

Wednesday. Again, we do not have classes cause Sir Peralta is so busy preparing the upcoming Technolympics on Friday.

Friday. As I said a while ago, we had an event in the school, the Technolympics.


I'm just bored...

37th Week (February 23-27)

We never had an ICT class for this weak and we never enter the ICT room.

Monday. We don't attend our whole class because we all watched the CCNHS Got Talent Season 2. And yes, we celebrated again the 73rd Foundation Day.

Tuesday. We don't have classes for the whole day.

Wednesday. People's Power Day, so we don't have classes.


Friday. We don't attend our afternoon class cause there's a Dry Run for NAT.

That's all for this week. Sorry for the boring update. :)


36th Week (February 16-20)

Monday. We had our exercise 2. I am so grateful because I got 15 points in this activity. Yiee! I just can't believe I did that.

When you click the first button:

 When you click the second button:

Tuesday. As usual another activity again. I didn't get it again and it sucks. Haist! 

Wednesday. We take our quiz in JavaScript 5. Unfortunately, I got 10 points only. Tssk! I was disappointed also because of that alert thingy. When I click it, an alert box will appear with the "undefined" Haisst! Okay, move on. It's really breaks my heart. </3

Friday. We do not have ICT class cause there's a contest in our ICT class.



35th Week (February 9-13)

Monday. This is just the continuation of our new topic and it's the JavaScript 5.
Below are some of it:

Passing Arguments


Functions and Events

Function Scope

Return Value

End of JavaScript 5.

Tuesday. We have our exercise 1 and it's 10 points.
Here is our activity:

This activity, I didn't get any points. Okay let's forget it.

Wednesday. We don't attend our whole class from morning to afternoon cause my other classmate joined the Junior-Senior Promenade. So my friends and I decided to not go to school anymore. Haha!

Friday. This day, I was really disappointed, exactly disappointed. Tsssk! We have to make file which is exactly like this:

And of course, I'm really really happy cause at last I saw the music video of Style by Taylor Swift. We never go out of style~~

Adios! ☺

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

An Introduction of JavaScript 5

34th Week (February 02-06)

It's been our 34th week in ICT class and it's awesomazing. There are a lot of activities that we have made this week.

Monday. We encode the js4quiz codes.

Tuesday. Finally, we have finished the JS part 4. JavaScript 5 here we go! Haha! All we do this day is encode and encode so that we can already finish of our activities.

Wednesday. Sir Peralta start discussing while we are encoding the JavaScript 5. But the topics are kinda interesting. I hope Sir Peralta won't be mad at us. 

Friday. Yeah, as I said I while ago, we just started tackling the JavaScript 5.

Now, I shared an information about what I learned in this week.

Function- is a block of statements that not only performs some task, but also returns a value.

Note: if you have question feel free to comment in the lower box. Thank you!


Let's keep going!

33rd Week (January 26-30)

This week, all we do is encode and encode so that we can already finish all of our activities.

Monday. As expected, we encode the exercise 5 that no one in our batch again get it. (I don't know what to do so I decided to screenshot all the past activities that we did instead of doing the exercise 5) Hahaha! ☺
                                     Exercise 5 codes
                                     Exercise 5

Tuesday. We had a prejsquiz4 and we have to make a file which exactly like this:

Well, I didn't get it, and it sucks! Only Jessa get it. I envy Jessa! :)

Wednesday. We encode the prejsquiz4.

Friday. We have taken our JSQuiz4 this day. I am so worried because I do not know what I going to do with the quiz. My score in the quiz? As usual incorrect flow, 0 again for me. I really have to work hard next time so that I won't get zero point. </3


LSS! Listening to this song while doing my blog.


Sunday, January 25, 2015


32nd Week (January 19-23)

Monday. We do not have ICT class this day cause Sir Peralta is in the Hongkong.

Tuesday. We do not have again ICT class this day cause Sir Peralta is still in the Hongkong or it's jetlag. Joke! ☺

But this Wednesday, we start encoding the exercise 4.  After that, exercise 5 again that no one in our batch got it. 

                                  Exercise 4 codes

Exercise 5

Friday. All we do is we encode the exercise 5. I was really hopeless! 

And yeah, all we do do in this week is encode, encode and encode. So exhausting!


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Better luck next time

31th Week (January 12-16)

Monday. All we do is to encode the exercise 1 that no one in our batch got it. After that, we had again taken the exercise 2 but no one again in our batch got it.
Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Tuesday. We do not have ICT class cause we all Sampaguita are taking a picture for our Graduation Pictorial.

Wednesday. I start encoding the exercise 2. After the exercise 2, we just taken again the exercise 3. But unfortunately, we do not have idea to do that. Haist! 

                                   Exercise 2

Friday. As usual, we encode the exercise 3. And the, we have our exercise 4 and it's ten points. This is really annoying, I didn't get any points for the whole exercise this week. Okay, let's forget it. Better luck next time.

                                 Exercise 3

Exercise 4


Sunday, January 11, 2015

I am on rush!

30th Week (January 05-09)

Another year has passed and now we are in another year. New topics again as we expected. And yeah, it's getting harder and harder. -_-

Monday. Majority of us don't attend our ICT class cause we all Sampaguita, will take a scholarship exam in the University of Pangasinan. But unfortunately, we decided not to take an exam for some reason. I hope Sir Peralta won't be mad at us.

Tuesday. We checked our files in JavaScript 3 & 4 and I was really disappointed  cause some of my files was program error. It sucks!!!

Wednesday. We take our Third Periodic Exam. Well it wasn't that much hard because it is composed of multiple choices again and I was glad about that. When I'm answering, my hands starting doddering. I am on rush! I just finished my exam in just 8 minutes but I reread it again to make sure that my answer is correct. But I was surprised when Sir Peralta showed my score. And yeah, my score is 17 out of 30. Not bad for me. 

Friday. We have taken our exercise 1 this day. We all, Sampaguita are so worried because we do not know what we're going to do with the exercise 1. Hahaha! ☺☺☺

                               Exercise 1


Carpe diem! ☺